The promotion of the Italian language and culture abroad is regulated by art. 10 of Legislative Decree 64/2017 and Ministerial Circular letter no. 4 of 8 March 2022. The latter provides for the establishment in each consular district and the publication on the website of the foreign Consulates and Embassies of a registry of “Enti Gestori/Promotori” in which all those who meet the following registration requirements can be enrolled:
1. Be non-profit entities governed by local law, with a legal personality and active in the diffusion and promotion of the Italian language and culture in the world;
2. Be equipped with a statute compliant with local law in which the aim is the promotion and diffusion of the Italian language and culture.
The registration request must be sent by certified email (PEC) to, attaching the application form for registration in the Consular Registry of Enti Gestori/Promotori, the data registry of the requesting institution, a copy of the ID document of the regal representative of the Institution and copy of the statute of the Institution. Registration in the consular registry takes place after verification of the subjective requirements, and lasts four years. At the end of the four-year period, the renewal of the registration of the Enti Gestori/promotori takes place upon request of the body concerned and following internal evaluation. Registration into the consular registry allows access to funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
The presentation of projects and the of contributions requests expire 15th October of the previous year according to the above mentioned legislation and using the specific forms made available.
However, please refer to a careful reading of the circular letter and the implementing ministerial decree 1049 of 20.09.2024.
Documents and forms:
- Circolare Maeci 8 marzo 2022 n. 4
- Decreto attuativo DM 1049 del 20.09.2024
- Albo Consolare degli Enti gestori istituito presso il Consolato d’Italia a Brisbane
- Modulo di richiesta di iscrizione all’Albo Consolare degli Enti Gestori
- Anagrafica dell’Ente richiedente
- Project forms can be requested at the following email address: